Fencing Swords

    So what about Rapiers?
    You may also see references to Rapier swords. These are the heavy, original 16th century swords that Foil and Epee swords were based on.
    So most of the Rapiers being sold are reproductions for collectors and for use in re-enactments. Probably not something you would actually want to fence with!

    There are three weapons in modern fencing: foil, épée, and sabre. Each weapon has its own rules and strategies.
    • Foil: a light thrusting weapon, with a maximum weight of 500 grams. The foil may target the torso (including the back), neck, and groin, but not the arms or legs. The foil has a small circular hand guard that serves to protect the hand from direct stabs. As the hand is not a valid target in foil, this is primarily for safety. Touches are scored only with the tip; hits with the side of the blade do not count, and do not halt the action. Touches that land outside of the target area (called an off-target touch) stop the action, but are not scored. Only a single touch can be scored by either fencer at one time. If both fencers land valid touches at the same time, the referee uses the rules of "right of way" to determine which fencer gets the point. If both fencers begin their attack at the same time, or the referee is unable to determine who was first, neither fencer scores a point.
    • Épée: a thrusting weapon like the foil, but heavier, with a maximum total weight of 770 grams. In épée, the entire body is valid target. The hand guard on the épée is a large circle that extends towards the pommel, effectively covering the hand, which is a valid target in épée. Like foil, all hits must be with the tip and not the sides of the blade. Hits with the side of the blade do not halt the action. As the entire body is legal target, there is not the concept of an off-target touch, except if the fencer accidentally strikes the floor, setting off the electric tone. Unlike foil and sabre, épée does not use "right of way", and allows simultaneous hits by both fencers. However, if the score is tied in a match at the last point and a double touch is scored, the point is null and void.
    • Sabre: a light cutting and thrusting weapon that targets the entire body above the waist, except the weapon hand. Like the foil, the maximum legal weight of a sabre is 500 grams. The hand guard on the sabre extends from pommel to the base of where the blade connects to the hilt. This guard is generally turned outwards during sport to protect the sword arm from touches. Hits with the entire blade or point are valid. As in foil, touches that land outside of the target area are not scored. However, unlike foil, these off-target touches do not stop the action, and the fencing continues. In the case of both fencers landing a scoring touch, the referee determines which fencer receives the point for the action, again through the use of "right of way".

    Techniques or movements in fencing can be divided into two categories: offensive and quickly defensive. Some techniques can fall into both categories (e.g. the beat). Certain techniques are used offensively, with the purpose of landing a hit on your opponent while holding the right of way (foil and sabre). Others are used defensively, to protect against a hit or obtain the right of way.
    • Offensive
    • Attack: A basic fencing technique, also called a thrust, consisting of extending the sword arm to declare an attack and attempt to land a touch upon the opponent's valid area. In sabre, attacks are also made with a cutting action.
    • Riposte: An attack by the defender after a successful parry. After the attacker has completed their attack, and it has been parried, the defender then has the opportunity to make an attack, and take right of way (foil and saber).
    • Feint: An attack with the purpose of provoking a reaction from the opposing fencer.
    • Lunge: A thrust while extending the front leg by using a slight kicking motion and propelling the body forward with the back leg.
    • Beat Attack: In foil & sabre, the attacker beats the opponent's blade to gain priority (right of way) and continues the attack against the target area. In épée, a similar beat is made but with the intention to disturb the opponent's aim and thus score with a single light.
    • Disengage: Beginning an attack in one direction, then quickly moving the point down in a semi-circle to attack a different location. This is used to trick the opponent into blocking the wrong direction. For example, the fencer could target the left side of the torso, and begin the lunge. As the opponent moves to the left to parry, the fencer disengages and finishes the attack on the right side of the torso. Commonly countered with a circle-parry.
    • Continuation of Attack: A typical épée action of making a 2nd after attack after the first attack is parried. This may be done with a change in line; example, an attack in the high line (above the opponent's bellguard, such as the shoulder) is then followed with an attack to the low line (below the opponent's bellguard, such as the thigh, or foot); or from the outside line (outside of the bellguard, such as outer arm) to the inside line (inside the bellguard, such as the inner arm or the chest). A second continuation is stepping slight past the parry and angulating the blade to bring the tip of the blade back on target.
    • Remise. A second attack immediately after the first has missed or been parried. In foil or sabre, a remise is considered to have lost right of way, and the defender's riposte will always score instead of the remise.
    • Flick: a technique used primarily in foil. It takes advantage of the extreme flexibility of the blade to use it like a whip, bending the blade so that it curves over and strikes the opponent with the point. This technique has become much more difficult due to timing changes which require the point to stay depressed for longer to set off the light.
    • Defensive
    • Parry: Basic defence technique, block the opponent's weapon while it is preparing or executing an attack to deflect the blade away from the fencer's valid area and (in foil and sabre) to give fencer the right of way. Usually followed by a riposte, a return attack by defender.
    • Circle Parry: A parry where the sword is twisted in a circle to catch the opponent's tip and deflect it away. It is commonly used to counter a disengage.
    • Counter Attack: A basic fencing technique of attacking your opponent while generally moving back out of the way of the opponent's attack. Used quite often in épée to score against the attacker's hand/arm. More difficult to accomplish in foil and sabre unless one is quick enough to make the counterattack and retreat ahead of the advancing opponent without being scored upon, or by evading the attacking blade via moves such as the In Quartata (turning to the side) or Passata-sotto (ducking).
    • Point In Line: Extending the weapon and arm against the opponent's target area. In foil and sabre, this gives one priority if the extension is made before the opponent is approximately advance-lunge distance away. When performed as a defensive action, the attacker must then disturb the extended weapon to re-take priority; otherwise the defender has priority and the counter-attack like action will win the touch if the attacker does not manage a single light. When performed as an offensive action, the intent is usually a means for the attacker to draw a defensive action that can be deceived and the attack continued. In épée, there is no priority; the move may be used as a means by either fencer to achieve a double-touch and advance the score by 1 for each fencer.


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Super Powers: The Spiritual and Supernatural Laws of White Noise

Every world, especially fictional ones, must follow the rules. They need not be the rules we all know. Maybe in this world everything falls down, not up? But there must be rules and they must be followed. Otherwise your fiction becomes "incredible", or unbelievable.

*** World Under Contruction ***

World Rules

The following rules will serve the the world of White Noise:

  •  The powers' source is exposure to vibration frequencies, most of which are not audible to the human ear.
    • Vibrations create vinrations which either bring in tune with or out of tune with LIFE force. 
    • LIFE is nothing more than being at harmony with THE vibration that runs through all matter (living or not). 
    • Light, Sound, Pressure Waves from bombs, are all forms of vibrations.
    • Ex, Healing is the cells natural ability to self cure being sped up by an environment in tune with The Vibration.
    • THE Virbration is 7.77 hz.
      • This brings things into harmony with The Vibration, all elements are properly functioning when turned as a harmonic of 7.77 hz
    • The dissonant (which brings opposite results) is 6.66 hz.
      • This brings chaos, disharmony, dissonance, confusion, resulting in destruction and death. Even this harmony can be useful (ex, causing cancer cells to restore apoptosis, programed cell death). 
  • Affected by:
    • The powers can be enhanced by exposure to more good frequencies.
    • They can be hindered by dissonant frequencies.
    • Think the harpist for the prophet.
  • The powers endued by the Experiment would only be those that the bible either demonstrates, eludes to, or at least does not exclude. 
    • Therefore, walking through walls (yes), Laser beams coming from the eyes (maybe? the prophets do have fire coming from their mouths), Atomantium Claws, (no). 
  • The powers will be named by biblical names, scientific names, and magic/comic names. 
    • Ex, Vision vs Precognition. 
  • The powers are always intended for good, but not always used for good.
    • They can be abused.
  • The powers are endued upon anyone that is open to the supernatural, not just those who want to do good. 
    • "He poured out his spirit on all mankind." 
  • Kids are more easily affected than adults.
  • All powers are available to all people; however, most do not realize it.
    • And not all powers come as quickly or naturally to all people.
    • Some people, through design, exposure, or experience find that they lend more easily to one than another.
    • But in a pinch, it's possible for anyone to manifest any power.

Power Rules

The approved powers (list growing). 

Wisdom - Superhuman mentality - Innate capability - hyper-intelligence
  • Ability to know or understand something without the need of studying or previous experience.
  • Ability to see through the siutation to the right answer.
  • Ability to have intelligence quotient far above that of a genius level.
    • This ability can be so evolved that its user can gain psychic abilities (psychokinesis, telepathy, etc.) and resist both mind control and other psionic attacks.
  • Knowing what to do, without having previous training, would appear as hyper-intelligence.
  • Oranazition - Puzzle Solving - Technopathy -

Knowledge -  Empathy - Psychic - Telepathy - Psychometry (Future Only)

  • Ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others
  • Psychic ability to know things about another person. Places, Events, Thoughts, Feelings, past and present, but not future.
  • Ability to relate details about the past condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it
  • Telepathy - Ability to read the thoughts of, or to mentally communicate with others
  • Ability to relate details about the past condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it

Faith - Nature Manipulation - Elemental/Chemical Manipulation - Imagination
  • Make things happen.
  • Mountains move, plants grow or die, bugs or animals do your bidding.
  • Definitions for telluric
    • 1.of or proceeding from the earth or soil.
    • 2.of or relating to the earth; terrestrial.
  • Water come from rocks.
  • Walls fall down.
  • Birds bring you food.

Healings - Biological manipulation - Healing factor

  • Vibrations create sound, light, and LIFE force. LIFE is nothing more than being at harmony with the vibrations. 
  • Ex, Healing is the cells natural ability to self cure being sped up by an environment in tune with The Vibration. 
  • Healing includes anything from gun shot wounds to cancer. 
  • But it does not restore missing parts, that is Miracles.
  • Ability to heal rapidly and with greater finality from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character. Can sometimes result in the slowing of aging and immunity to illnesses and other defects.
Matter ingestion

  • Ability to consume any sort of matter without any ill effects on the user.

Miracles - Resurrection - Regeneration - Restorative

  • Ability to come back to life after being killed as well, or to bring others back to life
  • Ability to grown back limbs, or assist in the regrowing of others limbs.
  • Restorative Powers
    • All matter, not just biological. Rusted cars can be restored by touch. Guns can be restored to their natural elements (iron, rock, etc).

Prophecy - Precognition - Psychometry (Future Only)

  • Ability to perceive the future. 
  • It may be expressed in vague dreams while asleep, other times it can be clear and can occur at will. 
  • It may also be used as a form of "danger sense" to show the user that they are being threatened and from what direction it is coming from. 
  • Ability to relate details about the future condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it

Discerning of Spirits - Cross-dimensional awareness

  • Ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions. 
  • Ability to detect beings and general atmosphere.
  • This is occasionally used in comics as an awareness of the fourth wall between the characters and the artist or audience.
  • Seeing angels, demons, spiritual condition of a person.

Tongues - Interpretation of Tongues - Omni-linguism

  • Ability to speak any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in various ways.
  • Ability to understand any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in various ways.
  • Sound manipulation - Ability to manipulate sound
  • Echolocation
    • Ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound. Also known as sonar or radar sense.

Donkey Talked

Material Manipulation (Red Sea)

Time Manipulation (Sun Stood Still)

Encouragement - Edification - Motiviation - Cognitive Enhancment and Manipulation - Pursuassion
  • Think of the great orators (good/bad) Hitler, Winston Churchhill,


Time manipulation
  • Ability to affect the flow of time by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping it
Teleportation - Translated - Astral projection
  • Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between
  • Also known as astral travel, this is the ability to separate and control one's astral body.


  • Ability generate gases from the body and exhale fire from the mouth.


  • Ability to render the user unseen to the naked eye and/or other forms of perception.

Superhuman longevity

  • Ability to live longer than a normal human.

Superhuman durability / endurance / agility / reflexes / strength / speed

  • Samson, Elijah when he outran the chariots
  • Ability to have a higher resistance to one or more forms of damage before being injured as well as the ability to exert oneself in an activity indefinitely without becoming tired and/or survive for long periods of time without consumption or water. Ability to react faster than a normal human and to possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity.
  • Ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions.

Superhuman senses - Magnification

  • Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal Human.

Mind control
The ability to alter the perceptions of others, and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind

Memory manipulation (yes with caveeats)
You cannot violate the will, but you can assist with the recovery or ridding of memory for the willing.
Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another

Elemental transmutation
The ability to alter chemical elements, changing them from one substance to another by rearranging the atomic structure. May be limited to self-transmutation

Gravity manipulation
Ability to manipulate or generate gravitons, or other types of gravitational interactions

Intangibility or phasing
Ability to quantum tunnel through solid matter without harm[171]

Light manipulation
Ability to control, generate or absorb light particles

Who are the Nephlim in this world?


Superhuman Abilities - (Inhuman, Object Based, Mutant)

List of Elemental Abilities

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

* I may include "Affiliate Links" which means I earn a commission when you buy some of the products I link to. 

  • See my full about page and disclosures: Click Here

It's Author Fun By Darrell Wolfe

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Waqas Ahmed (Combatant Soldier)

Born an orphan, raised in an ISIS villiage. He was trained for one thing, to bring the sword of Allah to the infidels.

·         Character Sketch Template (Hints)(Strengths List)(Strengths details)(16P-Types)(16P-Theory)

Hello my name is Amy Truthfinder, and I’m here with xxxxxxxx from the xxxxxxx series, to find out more about him/her and get a little behind the scenes information.

In the way of introductions:

Xxxxxxx is a Primary/Supporting character in the book xxxxx. He has chosen to side with the (Good/Bad/ Neither, he remains neutral, is unware of the sides).

Xxxxxx was born on xx/xx/xx, which makes him xxxx years old as of xx/xx/xx.

He/She has the following distinct physical characteristics; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Personality and Motivations:

Tell me, what is your 16P Type, what are you top five Strengths finders results, and what one-three words best describes you?

What do you do with

time when you are not working?

What are the things you enjoy most in life?

What things just bug you to no end?

If every job, task, and activity in the world paid the same (and it was more than enough to have everything you wanted) what would you do?

If you could sit down and chat with person who is alive today, who would it be? What about anyone not alive today? What about a non-real person? What about someone from your story world?

Training and background

Tell me about your schooling. What high school did you go to? Where did you go to college? What activities did you participate in? Sororities / Fraternities? Were you  in any other groups? Did you work through school, loans, scholarships, rich family?

Tell me about your major. How many degrees do you have? In what? Why that and not something else?

What was your first job? How many jobs have you had? What was your favorite job? Least favorite job? What do you do now?

Do you hold any licenses, specialties, etc.?

If you could switch jobs today what would you do? (Real and Imagined)

Family history

What are your parents name? Do you know your grandparents? Do you have an siblings? Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Other important relatives? Are you related to anyone famous?

What does your name mean, and why did you parents choose it?

Is there anything interesting or important or unusual we need to know about your family?

What was your relationship like with your Mother? Father? Others?

How is your relationship now?

Early Childhood through middle school

What experiences, growing up, marked your memory? In other words, what can you remember about your childhood, what stands out?

Who were your best friends?

Worst enemies, bullies?

What was your best day? Worst?

Here are some photos that remind me of you:

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

* I may include "Affiliate Links" which means I earn a commission when you buy some of the products I link to. 

  • See my full about page and disclosures: Click Here

It's Author Fun By Darrell Wolfe

To Subscribe to the RSS: Click Here

For Non-Fiction stories with a lesson by Darrell Wolfe: Click Here

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General Akbar

·         Character Sketch Template (Hints)(Strengths List)(Strengths details)(16P-Types)(16P-Theory)

Hello my name is Amy Truthfinder, and I’m here with xxxxxxxx from the xxxxxxx series, to find out more about him/her and get a little behind the scenes information.

In the way of introductions:

Xxxxxxx is a Primary/Supporting character in the book xxxxx. He has chosen to side with the (Good/Bad/ Neither, he remains neutral, is unware of the sides).

Xxxxxx was born on xx/xx/xx, which makes him xxxx years old as of xx/xx/xx.

He/She has the following distinct physical characteristics; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Personality and Motivations:

Tell me, what is your 16P Type, what are you top five Strengths finders results, and what one-three words best describes you?

What do you do with

time when you are not working?

What are the things you enjoy most in life?

What things just bug you to no end?

If every job, task, and activity in the world paid the same (and it was more than enough to have everything you wanted) what would you do?

If you could sit down and chat with person who is alive today, who would it be? What about anyone not alive today? What about a non-real person? What about someone from your story world?

Training and background

Tell me about your schooling. What high school did you go to? Where did you go to college? What activities did you participate in? Sororities / Fraternities? Were you  in any other groups? Did you work through school, loans, scholarships, rich family?

Tell me about your major. How many degrees do you have? In what? Why that and not something else?

What was your first job? How many jobs have you had? What was your favorite job? Least favorite job? What do you do now?

Do you hold any licenses, specialties, etc.?

If you could switch jobs today what would you do? (Real and Imagined)

Family history

What are your parents name? Do you know your grandparents? Do you have an siblings? Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Other important relatives? Are you related to anyone famous?

What does your name mean, and why did you parents choose it?

Is there anything interesting or important or unusual we need to know about your family?

What was your relationship like with your Mother? Father? Others?

How is your relationship now?

Early Childhood through middle school

What experiences, growing up, marked your memory? In other words, what can you remember about your childhood, what stands out?

Who were your best friends?

Worst enemies, bullies?

What was your best day? Worst?

Here are some photos that remind me of you:

Wake Up Call

Sriklan Islands were swamped with helicopters, sea planes, and search boats. A literal army, a swarm of military personnel had flooded the restricted island territories.

"These Islands are strictly off limits, no official maps even contain their presence... The President of the United States isn't even permitted to know of the location of these islands Jim... So tell me how two of my best operatives simply disappeared? ...I don't want excuses I want answers! Call me when you actually know something!" General Akbar nearly broke the com phone as he slammed it into its receiver in his quarters aboard the USS Silence. "The CIA is worthless...", he muttered to himself.

General Akbar looked down at his watch. 2313. It had been just over 21 days since they had each disappeared from their pick up points… at the same time. Both had reported in, ready for evac. Now, both were Missing In Action (MIA) upon extraction. What was most disturbing was the total lack of any other presence having come or gone. No signs of struggle; no blood or missing items; it's as though they'd simply vanished. The worst possibility was that they are defected, but he knew these two, like his own kids, better than his own kids. It wasn't possible. The other possibility, nearly as bad possibility was that they had been taken, which was a more likely scenario. The preferred possibility is that they were playing some massive practical joke on him, which would warrant a severe reprimand and was totally contrary to their character. Option 2 had the most merit, but that's leaves more questions than answers. How can two people disappear from the most top secrete set of Islands in the world?

The door swung open, and in ran a younger man, half heaving, holding a piece of paper.


"What is it Sargent?"

"Motion sensors detect movement on one of the south islands."

"We haven't trained down there in months. Are you sure it's not those stupid Monkey's again?"

"We checked sir, camera footage is rough from the distance, but we captured this image."

"Well I'll be... Get a unit down there now, and go in armed, we don't know what to expect."

"Yes sir"

With that the door closed and left the General alone. "Where have those two been?!"


Ash came to himself blinded by a terrible light, which hurt his eyes. He rolled over onto his belly, and planted his face into his pillow... No, this wasn't a pillow, it was... sand? He accidentally breathed some in and began coughing uncontrollably. He would have to get his bearings, but first he'd have to get his senses. He rose to his hands and knees and calmed his mind, slowed his heart rate. Focus. That's what he needed right now. His eyes still hurt too much to open, but he didn't need them just yet.

Birds. Sand. Wind in trees. Water washing ashore in a quiet steady cadence. He was on the island? The sand between his fingers was cold to the touch, but the sun on his back and face was quite warm. These had to be white sand islands. He was back to the training center? Had he ever left? What happened.... wait... What is that? As his vision came back, he could make out the silhouette of someone thrashing about on the sand. "Eta…", of course.


Eta was thrashing around, blindly looking for something or someone to attack. It was only after she ran out of breath that she realized she was alone. Her eyesight was coming back, but it was still much too bright to fully open her eyes, even with the clothe that she'd tied around her face to block the sun.

All she could see was trees, water, sand. Now that she was too tired to fight.... nothing... she could hear the sounds of the island. There was one sound that was not familiar... A rustling in the trees, less than half a klick away. Someone was headed this way,

"Eta…" the voice called.


"Yep, it's me."

"Where are we? I can't see a thing out here."

"I have no idea, I was hoping you could tell me."

She could hear helicopters and speed boats headed their way…. "We have to move quickly, sounds like a whole bunch of bogies are coming our way."

"Eta, their friendlies. It's the General's team." They stood together, waiting for the evac team to come on to the beach. She gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder. He was like her big brother, always looking out for her. Even when she didn't want him to.


General Akbar waiting until they had been checked by doctors, before taking them straight into the briefing room with his top staff.

"Where have you two been?"

"What do you mean sir?" Ash replied.

"What do I mean?" General Akbar looked to his staff with a questioning glance. "I mean, you've been missing for 15 days, and I need to know why, and where you were?"

"21 days?" Eta stated, dumfounded. "I figured 15 minutes… maybe. I completed the mission, called for an evac…"

"Me too." Ash interrupted. Then there was this bright light, and I woke up on the beach a few minutes later."

"That's right. Are you saying we've been missing for 21days?" Eta was incredulous.

"These two need to be checked again. Get them to the infirmary, now!"

Two months later:

General Akbar walked into a meeting room and slid two files in front of Ash and Eta. "It is with a heavy heart I have to inform you, that you are being retired. We just can't keep two of our most valuable assets in the field, if you cannot account for missing 21 days of your life. Even with all your training, if you have been programed… You'll be under surveillance, and required to report in to me directly four times a year. Maybe, in time, this will pass. For now you are being honorably discharged, with cover stories to account for the last 20 years of your respective careers. You will report any new memory you have to me, personally, immediately. Is that clear?"

"Yes Sir."

"Yes Sir."


Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

* I may include "Affiliate Links" which means I earn a commission when you buy some of the products I link to. 

  • See my full about page and disclosures: Click Here

It's Author Fun By Darrell Wolfe

To Subscribe to the RSS: Click Here

For Non-Fiction stories with a lesson by Darrell Wolfe: Click Here

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Walter Elias Vanderbilt / Darkmater (Moriarty)

·         Character Sketch Template (Hints)(Strengths List)(Strengths details)(16P-Types)(16P-Theory)

Character’s Name: Elias Vanderbilt / Dark Elf

Elias Vanderbilt was a trust fund kid, who flunked out of MIT. But not for lack of ability. He was a member of the Center for Brains Minds & Machines (CBMM), and Master of Science (M.Sci.) graduate student majoring in Integrative Research on Intelligence. He was working on a project to map the code required to duplicate aspects of the human mind. Specifically, those that relate to the phenomenon of what are called spiritual experiences.

One day, the he just disappeared for weeks. When he comes back to school, he doesn't know where he has been, and he's acting strangely. Then he disappears again, this time (as far as his fellow students are concerned) he's missing for good.

Actually, he's been operating underground under the hacker alias "Dark Elf". He's been coding programs for nefarious purposes, and making a decent living doing so. He blacks out for long periods, and when he comes back to himself, he has inspirational ideas for new code and programs, which he sells on the Hacker Black-Market.

During those periods of black out he's come to a realization… he could make the biggest sale of his life by creating a program to detect terrorist attacks. He's already built it, and tried to sell it to Military Technology Companies and the Government. But he can't even get an audience. So he's decided to use his ability to hide his digital footprint, to recruit terrorists to plant a bomb at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. This way, there will be an instant market for his program, and bidders to buy it from the best of the best agencies around the world.

He's so sure that he's hidden his digital foot print, and that nobody will ever discover he was the one who master minded the attack… but he's unaware that he himself, is just a tool of the test he was subjected to. There are those who can stop him. And they are coming…

·         Character Sketch Template (Hints)

Hello my name is Amy Truthfinder, and I’m here with xxxxxxxx from the xxxxxxx series, to find out more about him/her and get a little behind the scenes information.

In the way of introductions:

Xxxxxxx is a Primary/Supporting character in the book xxxxx. He has chosen to side with the (Good/Bad/ Neither, he remains neutral, is unware of the sides).

Xxxxxx was born on xx/xx/xx, which makes him xxxx years old as of xx/xx/xx.

He/She has the following distinct physical characteristics; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Personality and Motivations:

Tell me, what is your 16P Type, what are you top five Strengths finders results, and what one-three words best describes you?

What do you do with

time when you are not working?

What are the things you enjoy most in life?

What things just bug you to no end?

If every job, task, and activity in the world paid the same (and it was more than enough to have everything you wanted) what would you do?

If you could sit down and chat with person who is alive today, who would it be? What about anyone not alive today? What about a non-real person? What about someone from your story world?

Training and background

Tell me about your schooling. What high school did you go to? Where did you go to college? What activities did you participate in? Sororities / Fraternities? Were you  in any other groups? Did you work through school, loans, scholarships, rich family?

Tell me about your major. How many degrees do you have? In what? Why that and not something else?

What was your first job? How many jobs have you had? What was your favorite job? Least favorite job? What do you do now?

Do you hold any licenses, specialties, etc.?

If you could switch jobs today what would you do? (Real and Imagined)

Family history

What are your parents name? Do you know your grandparents? Do you have an siblings? Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Other important relatives? Are you related to anyone famous?

What does your name mean, and why did you parents choose it?

Is there anything interesting or important or unusual we need to know about your family?

What was your relationship like with your Mother? Father? Others?

How is your relationship now?

Early Childhood through middle school

What experiences, growing up, marked your memory? In other words, what can you remember about your childhood, what stands out?

Who were your best friends?

Worst enemies, bullies?

What was your best day? Worst?

Here are some photos that remind me of you:

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

* I may include "Affiliate Links" which means I earn a commission when you buy some of the products I link to. 

  • See my full about page and disclosures: Click Here

It's Author Fun By Darrell Wolfe

To Subscribe to the RSS: Click Here

For Non-Fiction stories with a lesson by Darrell Wolfe: Click Here

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Thaddeus J. B. Rotcudnoc

·         Character Sketch Template (Hints)(Strengths List)(Strengths details)(16P-Types)(16P-Theory)

Thaddeus J. B. Rotcudnoc

Black Suit, real name unknown

Thaddeus abhors social inventions. He is a trillion-aire. His net personal (non-corporate) net worth is equal, at least, to the annual GDP of North America combined.

He needs to be in control of all things at all times. Money is not a motivation, it is a tool used to achieve that control. He owns half the US Senators, and blackmails another 1/4 of them. He considers Warren Buffet a small time nuisance, and sometimes an unwitting participant in his schemes.

Real power is wielded secretly, quietly, and firmly. He never uses his real name, he's not even sure if he can remember his real name.

Today he's decided to be known as Thaddeus.

Overview: Traits, Strengths, SDI, Type, Gifts, Talents, Skills

I. Physical Description
a. Hair
i. White Hiar
ii. Clean, Professional, part to the side.
iii. Bright White, Bounces a bit if he walks/turns quickly
b. Eyes
i. Grey
ii. No Glasses
c. Height/Weight
i. 5'7"
ii. 155 lbs
iii. Fit, not buff, but fit.
d. Style of Dress
i. Typically wears expensive business suits, popular/common cuts and colors.
ii. Most Commonly wears a black suit and white shirt.
e. Speech
i. Hard to pin down, possibly a subtle German underpinning.
ii. Speaks with simple phrases, may throw out a few college words from time to time which betray an intelligence. Prefers to get to what he is going to say directly, without misunderstanding, to control the situation with his words.
f.  How Character Feels About Physical Appearance
i. Appearance is a tool used to wield power. I often wear a black suit, white shirt, and various ties. Always up to date with the latest fashions, but with a conservative and ubiquitous style. Flashy is not my thing.
ii. The clothing should be expensive enough to make an impression on those who know what money can buy, but neutral enough to be vague in description to any authorities. I always make contingencies, ensuring that any evidence of my presence is wiped from cameras and recordings, but in this new digital age, you can never be too cautious, so I keep a low profile.
iii. Appearance, like nearly all things for Thaddeus, is a finished product. Finley tuned and honed over many decades.
II. Personality
a. Mannerisms
i. certain little thing the character likes to do, like tearing up napkins while waiting for food at a restaurant
ii. another certain little thing the character likes to do
b. Bad Habits
i. Bad Habit 1
ii. Bad Habit 2
c. Strengths/Weaknesses
i. Strengths
ii. Weaknesses
III. Likes/Dislikes
a. Likes
i. Snifter of Cognac
ii. Making People Nervous
b. Dislikes
i. Things that are not well made / done right. Mistakes.
ii. When things happen that he did not plan for / make contingencies for.
IV. Family
a. Parents - Orphan
b. Siblings - None
c. Extended Family - None
V. Hobbies
a. Hobby 1
i. Science/Discovery
ii. To be used to gain more control.
b. Hobby 2
i. details about hobby
ii. character’s feelings about hobby
VI. History
a. Childhood
i. Event
ii. Event
iii. character’s feelings about childhood
b. Teen Years
i. Event
ii. Event
iii. character’s feelings about teen years
c. Young Adulthood
i. Event
ii. Event
iii. character’s feelings about young adulthood
d. Just Before the Story Begins
i. Event
ii. Event
iii. character’s feelings about events
VII. Conflicts
a. Must be in Power/Control, to be the apex of every triangle, and the conductor of every interaction.
b. Outer Conflicts

·         Character Sketch Template (Hints)

Hello my name is Amy Truthfinder, and I’m here with xxxxxxxx from the xxxxxxx series, to find out more about him/her and get a little behind the scenes information.

In the way of introductions:

Xxxxxxx is a Primary/Supporting character in the book xxxxx. He has chosen to side with the (Good/Bad/ Neither, he remains neutral, is unware of the sides).

Xxxxxx was born on xx/xx/xx, which makes him xxxx years old as of xx/xx/xx.

He/She has the following distinct physical characteristics; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Personality and Motivations:

Tell me, what is your 16P Type, what are you top five Strengths finders results, and what one-three words best describes you?

What do you do with

time when you are not working?

What are the things you enjoy most in life?

What things just bug you to no end?

If every job, task, and activity in the world paid the same (and it was more than enough to have everything you wanted) what would you do?

If you could sit down and chat with person who is alive today, who would it be? What about anyone not alive today? What about a non-real person? What about someone from your story world?

Training and background

Tell me about your schooling. What high school did you go to? Where did you go to college? What activities did you participate in? Sororities / Fraternities? Were you  in any other groups? Did you work through school, loans, scholarships, rich family?

Tell me about your major. How many degrees do you have? In what? Why that and not something else?

What was your first job? How many jobs have you had? What was your favorite job? Least favorite job? What do you do now?

Do you hold any licenses, specialties, etc.?

If you could switch jobs today what would you do? (Real and Imagined)

Family history

What are your parents name? Do you know your grandparents? Do you have an siblings? Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Other important relatives? Are you related to anyone famous?

What does your name mean, and why did you parents choose it?

Is there anything interesting or important or unusual we need to know about your family?

What was your relationship like with your Mother? Father? Others?

How is your relationship now?

Early Childhood through middle school

What experiences, growing up, marked your memory? In other words, what can you remember about your childhood, what stands out?

Who were your best friends?

Worst enemies, bullies?

What was your best day? Worst?

Here are some photos that remind me of you:

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

* I may include "Affiliate Links" which means I earn a commission when you buy some of the products I link to. 

  • See my full about page and disclosures: Click Here

It's Author Fun By Darrell Wolfe

To Subscribe to the RSS: Click Here

For Non-Fiction stories with a lesson by Darrell Wolfe: Click Here

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