Eta | The Need To Know

Another day, another latte. More web searches turning interesting tid bits of seemingly useless data. It's a distraction, but she's no closer to the answer. Eta stares into the crowds below as they meander through the mall.

The man in black is back again. He passes the lockers, again. Every day, like clock work, except that he strikes at a different time each day, there seems to be no pattern, or ryhme to his showing up. It's given her something to expect each day. How is leaving?

The thought struck her so quickly it was as though it was not her thought. To her knowledge of the floor plans she hacked her way into for this mall, there was no exit down that hallway. It led to lockers, and two bathrooms with no windows or doors. And yet... everyday, he came. She assumed it was a he, you never know these days, but the build was mandly, nice even... no, Eta doesn't have those thoughts. Shut them out. Shut them down. Focus on the tasks at hand.

Different times of day. He (or she... but probably a he) comes at different times each day. He passess the locker in her vision, and he never comes out. She's here until close, and he never comes out. Where is he going? He can't be spending the whole day in the bathroom, can he? But how does he leave without her seeing? She glances away periodically, if for no other reason than boredom, and not to look too conspicious. But could he be leaving while she's not looking each time? Two weeks she's been watching him, and he's been showing up and... not leaving?

She's had enough! She's following him this time. She packs her laptop and bag, she meanders quickly enough to get there, but slowly enough to look nonchalant. She cannot be seen as following him. It was dangerous of course. She didn't know who he was, or why she was following him, but she wanted answers. CIA, Mosad, MI6, KGB, PRC... Hard to say. It's unlikely that he's affiliated with Falcons Nest (FC). She was one of a very few FC's in the world, and she was decomissioned. Suddenly the thought that he was watching her, and not the other way around struck her cold. What if he wants her to follow him back her, out of public line of site, so he can take her out in the hallways or rest room? It's what she'd have done. She stopped, in the middle of the court yard, staring down the long hallway toward the rest rooms. She wouldn't fall for that.

Or, she was just bein paranoid, as her training had taught her to be, and this was just some skater kid or local mall rat who just happened to disapear down a long hallway, everyday, and never come out... curiosity told her to go in, paranoia told her to stay out. So she found a bench seat within few of the locker and hallway, but sat as though she wasn't watching, and opened her laptop. She'd angled the mirror inside her glassess toward the hallway and locker. She'd sit... and watch.

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Eta | That parade was the bomb!

She's standing in mid air, 100 feet or more above the crowds. She can see a line of people in costume's dancing down the street, with large deorated vehicles in between groups. There are crowds on both of the street bundled in heavy clothing to ward against the cold air and a light dusting of snow from earlier today. She doesn't feel the chill, she's a spectator, not a participant. Eta stands, stationary, just watching the spectacal.

Suddenly, her vision is blocked by something brown and right up in her face, she takes a few steps back and she's confronted with a large brown baloon. A few more steps back and it's as large as a house, full of hot air. As it passes she can take in a full view. It's a... turkey? Yes, it's a turkey the size of a house, full of hot air, floating  high above the crowds, and just below and even with her.

She can see Santa on his sligh toward the end of the event... She knows this somehow. It's familiar, something her parents were involved in before she shut out them, their memories, and society in general. What's it called? There's a tradition for this? Santa is and his float are just below her now. She see's the clock on the building, it's 1:17 pm...

Flash. Her chest is compressed, she can't breath. The buildings around her crumble. She is thrown back 1,000's of feet. She she takes the next breath she see's the cloud, just like on the movies, and old WWII videos. A mushroom cloud. The buildings are evaporating in every direction. The inhabitants won't even know what hit them until it's far, far too late. It's moving with great speed for miles, buildings evaporate before the wave in every direction.


As she sucks in a deep breath the world around her evaporates and turns black, then white, then the world she was in a few moments ago comes back into view. People bustling about the metroplex. Food Court vendors handing out samples. Shes' back in the chair, with her laptop, and latte'.

It's getting worse... these visions... she needs answers...

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Eta | Train Station/Airport/Mall??? Locker Man

The Denver CO airport was bustling with humanity, roaming about like so many ants building a colony without knowing why. Eta sat in at the table just outside the cafe', overlooking the railing down to the first floor, in perfect view of the lockers. She couldn't get the latest vision out of her head.

Denver Airport (Wiki)

* She's sitting in this exact spot, and a stranger in black jeans and a black Carhart jacket with a grey beany steps up to a locker, when he turns around a bright light flashes behind him and shields his face.

She doesn't know who he is, or why she's here. But if he has any clues for, why she's having these strange visions, and why they are actually coming to pass, then she'll wait. She's been here all day, every day with her laptop surfing the WiFi... waiting. She's had no new visions in the past two weeks, so here she sits, waiting. Day 17...

She bounces from site to site, Google providing no solid answers, she attempting now to use the other search engines, hoping for different results. She's hit up Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo... she's moved on to deep web searches. Checking out the Library of Congress, Natinoal Security Archive, VirtualLibrary, Infomine... grasping for answers. She's found a few articles about paranormal studies and research. Could she be pyschic? There were articles about people coming back from war with strange mental reactions, and being misdiagnosed with PTSD. Paranormal research was hard to wade through, for every non-biased scientific evaluation, she found 100's of cooks and quacks that ranged from 900# television psychics to religious television evangelists and prophets. All wanted to provide your answers, for the low low cost of... or a love gift of...

Eta was on her fourth cup of Venti Soy Chair Tea Latte for the day when she saw him. Out of the corner of her eye, there was a man with dark blue jeans, nearly black. A black jacket with a Carhart label on the shoulder, and a grey beany... he was headed in the direction of the lockers, she tried not to look casual, in case he turned this direction. If Special Forces training had taught her anything it was how to observe without being seen by the observed. He was headed straight for the locker... and then passed it, and headed out of sight. She wouldn't have the time to get down there and follow, and the vision was about this locker, so she decided against her inner desire to pursue and kept up with her searches. If that was the guy, he'd be back. If it wasn't, she'd miss the real person she was here to see.


Darrell Wolfe
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Bomb Vision | Eta

City street. cars driving by. People walking along, minding their own business, most looking down at their smart phones as if they were walking by GPS. Now there's people running, the streets of roped off, and they are wearing a variety of joggins suits, they have numbers on their backs. It's a marathon. She knows this place, but she's never been here. Boston, MA. A flash of light. Glass splattered. the percussion hits her chest and it's over...

Her friend Janice is still chatering away about the latest episode of Blacklist. She must not have been staring blankly for long, because her friend didn't notice at all. These waking dreams are getting more and more vivid. More details. It's strange how eerie they are. Suddenly, she notices everyone in the bar looking to the T.V. Stunned silence. Another terrorist attack. This time a bomb went off at the Boston Marathon... wait, did they say Boston? A sick feeling comes over her... is that even possible?

Her friend notices that she's gone pale, she asks the bartender for water. They start to fan her. Eta folds her head into her hands and starts to cry, for the first time in 20 years, she is crying uncontrollably, and she's not entirely sure why... and she loves it... and she hates it... and she let's it wash over her.


Darrell Wolfe
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How Sound Affects Your Brain

Instead, you can use a concept called "brainwave entrainment" to get the same effect.
Brainwave entrainment is any method that causes your brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a specific frequency. It's based on the concept that the human brain has a tendency to change its dominant EEG frequency towards the frequency of a dominant external stimulus (such as music, or sound).
The type of sound frequencies that are typically used in brainwave entrainment are called "binaural" beats. The way that these work is that two tones close in frequency generate a beat frequency at the difference of the frequencies.

I know this sounds complicated, but it's pretty simple to understand when you think about it. For example, a 495 Hz audio tone and 505 Hz audio tone (whether overlaid in music or in a sound frequency) will produce a 10 Hz beat, roughly in the middle of the alpha brain wave range, like this: via Mobile
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Julian Treasure: The 4 ways sound affects us | Talk Video |

Playing sound effects both pleasant and awful, Julian Treasure shows how sound affects us in four significant ways. Listen carefully for a shocking fact about noisy open-plan offices. via Mobile
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How Music Affects the Body | SuperConsciousness Magazine

Music can slow down and equalize brain waves. It has been demonstrated repeatedly: brain waves can be modified by both music and self-generated sounds. Ordinary consciousness consists of beta waves, which vibrate from fourteen to twenty hertz. Beta waves occur when we focus on daily activities in the external world, as well as when we experience strong negative emotions. Heightened awareness and calm are characterized by alpha waves, which cycle from eight to thirteen hertz. Periods of peak creativity, meditation, and sleep are characterized by theta waves, from four to seven hertz, and deep sleep, deep meditation and unconsciousness produce delta waves, ranging to .5 to three hertz. The slower the brain waves, the more relaxed, contented and peaceful we feel. via Mobile
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7 Insane Ways Music Affects The Body (According to Science) |

Melodic intonation therapy, or singing until you can talk, takes advantage of the fact that language functions are located in the left brain, but music lives over on the right side of the brain. So, when that asshole stroke robs you of your ability to speak, you can train your brain to move those functions to the other side by associating music with language. This essentially rewires a lifetime of growth and an entire history of evolution into meaninglessness interpretations of random head noises from a guy who hasn't shaved his beard since the 70s. via Mobile
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Acoustic Trauma : Bioeffects of Sound Notes

The following are random out of order facts I found interesting in the linked article:

There are several predominant sources of naturally occurring low frequency and infrasound in the environment. The entire globe is in a continual dynamic state of enveloping low frequency sound. Sources of such low frequency sound range from atmospheric winds in the range of 30 to 40 Hz to those produced by the ocean and other turbulent bodies of water. Ocean waves produce sound with a mean frequency of 16Hz. These frequencies can become more pronounced if unique geographical conditions are present and the frequency produced by the water is the same as the resonant frequency of the environment such as in bays. The thunderous crashing torrents of water in waterfalls are strong emitters of infrasound as is the gigantic shearing and fracturing of icebergs. It has been said that such low frequency tones have a continuing effect on those inhabiting such environments. Deep seismic shocks produced by earthquakes send strong infrasonic impulses to the surface of the earth. Animals are notoriously sensitive to such vibrations displaying erratic and anxious behavior well before any human perceives the impending chaos.

The work is an investigation into the effects of low frequency sound and infrasound via the design and construction of experimental acoustic emitters. Once installed in a particular space the work will have a profound effect on the surrounding sonic environment and the physiology of human subjects present. This is achieved by the resonant interactions between the subject's body and the acoustic space.
Trance inducing properties are evident at 60 beats per minute with a frequency of 72 Hz, corresponding to the frequency of human heartbeats. Frequencies corresponding to the Alpha, Beta and Theta brain rhythms have been utilized in similar manners to influence neural activity. This is perhaps why the fabled infrasound frequency of 7 Hz is so notorious as it is the median frequency of the brain's theta rhythms. This frequency is most prominently associated with moods concerned with fear and anger. Incidentally psychopaths have a general dominance of theta rhythms. It is also allegedly the average resonant frequency of the body's organs and hence excitation would cause organ rupture and death.

The American Defense news in 1993 describes "acoustic psycho-correction" experiments carried out by the Russians from the mid 1970's which "could be used to suppress riots, control dissidents, demoralize or disable opposing forces". The device which operated by the "transmission of specific commands via static or white noise" showed "encouraging results after exposure of less than one minute" and operated without the upsetting of other intellectual functions.Operating as an infrasound device the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone conduction. Due to this insidious facet, earplugs prove fruitless in protecting the individual, as whole body protection is needed. Further developments of such devices utilizing sonic communication directly to the temporal lobe may produce the most striking and profound acoustic attack. Literature by Silent Sounds, Inc. indicates that it is now possible to analyze human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them, then store these "emotion signal clusters" and, at will, "silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being".

Psychotropic Warfare

It is the human condition to try and find answers for inexplicable events or phenomena. Sonic weapons are often embraced in this capacity, as they are not only often imperceptible to the ear in their operation but also are capable of extensive physical and behavioural control. As a result sonic violence has also become a prevalent theme in the area of conspiracy theorists and 'mind control' victims. This has lead to the loss of credibility in an area that has an extremely significant impact on the human organism.
The aims of such systems are to influence and manipulate neural activity or to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium. One such group of devices are silent communication systems in which non-aural carriers in the infrasound or ultrasound range are propagated acoustically or vibrationally for inducement into the brain.

They may be used to "artificially implant negative emotional states - feelings of fear, anxiety, despair and hopelessness."Such a device is outlined in the 1992 US Patent #5,159,703.

The threshold for infrasound is around 140dB at 20Hz increasing to about 162dB at 2 Hz and to 175-180dB for static pressure.Due to the ethical issues regarding testing human subjects, experiments on dogs were conducted at levels of 170dB at a frequency of 0.5 Hz. Curiously the dogs stopped breathing because of lung ventilation due to the high intensity pressure changes, although the 0.5 Hz frequency of the sound acted as an artificial respirator and the dogs showed no ill effects afterwards.Many of the most profound effects of sound are attributed to infrasound in the region of 7Hz. This corresponds with the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain.It is also commonly alleged that this is the resonant frequency of the body's organs and hence organ rupture and death can occur at high intensity exposures.
Recently, psycho-acoustic warfare was allegedly used in the Waco siege at the Davidian compound in Texas, where it is said that the FBI used sounds of babies crying, dentist drills and a variety of other unpleasant sounds to mentally influence their opponents. The Waco compound was allegedly bombarded for long durations by these sounds via large public address systems.

  The pinnacle of sensational notions related to low frequency and particularly infrasound came after the publication of Gavreau's findings in Science Journal in 1968. At this time a variety of unsubstantiated and sensational reports appeared in the media, such as the Miami Herald's article relating to Gavreau's work entitled 'Sound Ray Developed as A Killer — French Working On A War Machine' ,and the London Observer's report on the 7th January 1968 "Sound As a Weapon Of War". Perhaps the most sensational and absurd effects attributed to infrasound was reported in the Melbourne Sunday Press (7th September 1973). Entitled "The Low Pitched Killer", the article is concerned with the lethal effects of infrasound generated by open car windows. This document, as well as "Does Infrasound Make Drivers Drunk" published in New Scientist 1972, claimed that infrasound generated by automotive travel is responsible for a variety of dubious physiological effects including 'motorway madness'.

Any severe extreme imposed on the sonic environment has a profoundly destabilizing effect on the individual. This becomes evident in both the areas of high intensity acoustic energy and also its complete absence. Anechoic chambers, which create an environment void of sound, have the ability to produce similar feelings of disorientation and disturbance that are evident with high intensity sound. The silence envelops the individual in a suffocating manner causing both psychological trauma and also physiological disturbance in the form of balance and other related body function.

It is clearly apparent that the human organism is in an extremely delicate state of equilibrium with the sonic environment and any profound disturbance of this system will have subsequent ramifications on the individual.

All objects have a property known as resonant frequency. Resonance involves the "re-enforcement of vibrations of a receiving system due to a similarity to the frequencies of the source". One of the most famous examples of natural resonance is Tacoma Narrows Bridge at Puget Sound Washington. After being exposed to gusts of wind the bridge began to vibrate at its natural resonant frequency and subsequently began to swing wildly and finally shake itself to pieces.

The opposite of these properties is characteristic of high frequency sound which can readily be absorbed by materials and is highly directional and as such has been an asset in the design of acoustic weapons.

  It is generally accepted that sound is perceptible to humans in the range of 20hz to 20khz (1Hz is one complete cycle per second of a sinusoidal wave). Although this is the accepted human auditory range most people, depending on age and gender, cannot hear sound above 14 to 18Khz. Contrary to popular assumption, careful measurements have shown that hearing does not abruptly stop at 20 Hz but the ear is capable of registering infrasound as low as 1Hz if sound pressure is sufficient. Frequencies above 20 kHz are considered ultrasound whilst frequencies beneath 20Hz are considered infrasound. via Mobile
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Watch "Sound,Bass,Water, Sound makes water come alive" on YouTube

Sound,Bass,Water, Sound makes water come alive: via Mobile

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Watch "Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2" on YouTube

Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2: via Mobile

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Watch "Amazing Resonance Experiment!" on YouTube

Amazing Resonance Experiment!: via Mobile

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