“Goooood… Did you see that? His blood pressure spiked and he stood up. Eye dilated. Something is starting. We’re almost there…” The voice said. Technician Randy Elwood took note of the time and date.
Randy Elwood. Sr Medical Equipment Technician at Briar Psychiatric Center. Randy has three PHD’s.
- Audio Physics (Science of Sound) – Just because he could never stop dissecting music. Thought it would be fun to study sound. Turned out to be his favorite degree. Though, he wasn’t sure what he could do with it, other than make great You Tube Video Soundtracks, which is how he paid for most of his training and school.
- One in Group Behavior – Maybe he could figure out how to interact with these humans he lived with. He’d never been much good throughout his life. Turns out the degree only made him better able to understand and predict human behavior, not mimic it to any realist believable degree.
- Human Anatomy-Biology – Maybe understanding the body better he could understand the mind and social patterns. Not so much. Just made for more awkward conversations are the few parties he tried to attend.
He didn’t mind the gig. He spent most of his time in a lab, by himself, reading and watching monitors. Not bad for $100,000 a year job. Especially not bad for the first paying job he’d had outside of school. Real job anyway, he still made a few sound tracks now and then. This was a great gig for someone with his specialty: “Not interacting with other people.”
Randy checked the monitors one last time before returning to his book. It was assigned reading by his new employer. Supposed to help the workers understand the “culture” of the company.
“Unlocking the Paranormal Mind. A study of how the human mind’s unlocked potential”, By Dr Richard T. Briar.
Couldn’t be worse than doing nothing, or that whole semester he took wasted reading about the breeding behavior of wombats!
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