
Black Suit, real name unknown

  • Alias: Thaddeus J. B. Rotcudnoc
  • Alias:
  • Alias:
  • Alias:

Motivation: Power/Control, to be the apex of every triangle, and the conductor of every interaction.

Thaddeus abhors social inventions. He is a trillion-aire+++. His net personal (non-corporate) net worth is equal, at least, to the annual GDP of North America combined.

He needs to be in control of all things at all times. Money is not a motivation, it is a tool used to achieve that control. He owns half the US Senators, and blackmails another 1/4 of them. He considers Warren Buffet a small time nuisance, and sometimes an unwitting participant in his schemes.

Real power is wielded secretly, quietly, and firmly. He never uses his real name, he's not even sure if he can remember his real name.

Today he's decided to be known as Thaddeus.


Thaddeus Point Of View

Thaddeus, we cannot push him any further, he's already been in the room longer than most others, and his vitals are dangerously out of control. We must put an end to this test… or give him a rest and start again.

You Dr. Briar, like these experiments, are temporary and expendable…  you would do well to remember that.

He enjoyed seeing that look on people's face, when they first realize that they were never the one in charge or in control. When they realize that the person they thought they brought on to assist, was actually the one calling the shots. What they seldom know, and could not understand, is that they were never calling the shots. They were all part of his orchestrated plan. They were but a violin in his symphony, and easily replaceable.

Thaddeus broke his stare when his point had been thoroughly impressed on his compatriots face… I'll be in the observation lounge that I paid so much money to build. If we lose him, I will handle it. Proceed.

He stepped out of the room, and walked down the hall to the observation room. He wanted to see this for himself.  This one showed so much more promise than the others. The new candidate criteria were working out quite nicely.


Dr. Briar Point Of View

Thaddeus, we cannot push him any further, he's already been in the room longer than most others, and his vitals are dangerously out of control. We must put an end to this test… or give him a rest and start again.

You Dr. Briar, like these experiments, are temporary and expendable…  you would do well to remember that.

A chill crept over his spine, from his tail bone, up his neck, and into his head.. His skin became cold as the realization dawned on him… He was never the one in control. When he'd brought Thaddeus on, he'd been so hungry for the financial backing and the seeming eagerness that he showed in the project, he'd never stopped to consider that Thaddeus would take over.

I'll be in the observation lounge that I paid so much money to build. If we lose him, I will handle it. Proceed. Thaddeus stepped out of the room, and walked down the hall.

Dr. Briar slumped into his chair with the realization… he'd sold his science, his soul, to this partnership. Without this financial backing, he'd have to pull out and stop everything. Shameful though it may be, the scientist in him was curious to see what would happen if he pushed the patient over the age.

So he turned back to the monitor, and kept one on the vitals, then turned pushed the slider one notch higher.



Dr. Briar is in the control room, watching the night vision monitor and vitals.

Thaddeus is in the observation room, watching the same monitors and vitals on a large flat screen. He's sitting in very expensive leather chairs with cup holders. The room is equipped like a studio apartment, kitchen, living room, on suite.

Ash is sitting in a dentist chair in the middle of a pitch black room, observable through night vision cameras. The room is outlined in chicken wire, and sound absorbing material lines all sides, above, and beneath. The walls, ceiling, and floor are lined with this material for a depth of 15 feet each, and backed by other layers of non-reflective material, before being enclosed in 100's of feet of concrete and plastic.

A sound box is playing inside the room; however, it is putting out frequencies above and below the human audible spectrum. Ash is unaware that any "sound" is being produced. These frequencies are known to have an effect on the body and mind, but are not detectable to the human ear, and are therefore audibly invisible. These frequencies are known to be particularly interesting for their occurrence and commonality in observable nature, and their effect on the their surroundings. Today, these are being played at various decibel levels and the frequencies themselves are being altered and fine-tuned, constantly compared to the vitals on the screens, in order to see what affects these tunings cause.

When a frequency is played through a speaker, and there is reverberation in the room (sound bouncing off of the walls) the harmonies of that frequency will also be picked up in a recording of that room. Without the reverberation effect, this room can test the single frequency and/or any variation of the harmony frequencies they wish to test.

They have discovered that the frequency ranges of 3Hz, 7 Hz, and 12Hz have produced intriguing results… others have also produces interesting results, but not always positive, usable, results.



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Dark Room (combined two days writting into one page. Still needs work.

After what seems 10 days, as per the marks on the box, Ash wakes to the sound of his food being delivered for breakfast. He eats in silence. He doesn't even hear the noise they've been pumping into the room for 10 days. When he is done he places his tray on the shelf and it disappears into the wall again.

*Click* The sound in the overhead turns off. The air pressure changes as a slight crake in the wall snaps open. The crack opens wider as the panel disappears into the wall and the crack becomes a doorway, which opens into a long hall. Ash makes his way down the long hall, lit with a blue tinted LED strand.

The floor is stretched chicken wire, over deep triangles of foam cut at different angles. The walls, ceiling, all made of the same substance. One chair, bolted to the floor. It looks comfortable enough. Like a dentist chair. Seeing no other option, he takes a seat.

The silence is deafening, immediately. Ash clapped his hand once, and noticed that the clap was essentially absorbed, rather than bouncing back to him. It was as though sound itself was sucked out of the room. If it were possible for sound to be less than nothing, this was it. The sound was sucked right out of him, so that all he could hear was his own heartbeat, and breathing. Even his ears began to make their own ringing. This all hit him moments after entering the room, it started subtle, and grew worse over the first moments in the room.

Cool air is keeping the room a comfortable 74*F.

The lights go out. Light was immediately absent. Completely absent. The only thing Ash could see was the flashes of white dots dancing around his eyes from having been in the light moments earlier. What utter and stark contrast to the room he was in. The sound... or lack of sound... in this room was astonishing. It was though sound itself was being sucked out. He could hear nothing but a ringing for the first few minutes. After a while, the ringing subsided and he could hear the beating of his own heart, and the sloshing of bodily fluids throughout his own body.

After the silence of 10 days in the white room, all of Ash's racing thoughts have subsided. He's moved past wondering where he is, when he'll leave, he's now just him. Alone with his thoughts. And increasingly, his past.

Eventually, after what felt like an hour, but it was probably only minutes, he found that even these sounds faded into the background of his attention. He could almost hear his own thoughts. As though that voice in his head, that was always present, telling him what to do, and where to go, and how to act, watch out for that... don't say that... oh man, why did you do that for? It was as though the inner voice became almost audible. As  though he could hear himself think. Or rather as though his thoughts could speak to him audibly. It was an odd sensation, but occupying his mind was the only thing he could do. He'd never admit it to a captor, but solitary confinement was his favorite part of being a prisoner of war. He enjoyed self-time, and silence. Accusation follows on the heels of this. Anytime he's alone, it starts. What you should have done differently.

Alone, in the dark now, with no sound of any kind, negative sound. He sits. Lays back in the reclining dentist chair, and he waits. He waits. He sleeps.

His concentration snapped into focus suddenly with the feeling that he was not alone in this room. He'd known before he entered the room that cameras were on him, and he was being observed... but that wasn't it. He felt the air in the room change, as though someone had entered the room with him. He could hear breathing in the room. He wasn't tied to the chair, he could get up, but where to? He couldn't see, he'd memorized the layout though. He knew the entrance he came from, and he didn't see any other known entry ways before the door shut out the light. Ash slowed his breathing, and observed with his four remaining senses for any clue as to the whereabouts and intention of the new participant.


Ash... Ash... 

He sits up. How long was he asleep? Is he asleep? How would you know in dark silence?

Ash... we know about you Ash... We know who you are... what you've done... how could you... 

Ash shakes his head... the voices vanish. What as that?

It's beginning... the biometrics just spiked.

Good, good... let's see how he does.

The previous test subjects had nowhere near the discipline that Mr. Ashland does. This should be an interesting observation. He's incredible. Getting a trained military man, accustomed to being alone for days and weeks, a survival expert. He is already outlasted every scientist, street volunteer, and audio geek we've ran through these tests. Many of them didn't make it through the prep room, but we've never had anyone last this long, he's been in there for three hours and just now he's starting to show signs of a dimensional tear. You are a genius!

Yes, Dr. Briar I am! That is why you brought me here. To fix this reject project and bring something valuable out of it. Keep me appraised of any changes.

The black suited man turned and left the room. His tuft of white hair bouncing along as he walked away.


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Unknown Antagonist

Someone is brought in by Dr. Briar to fix the project with sound and spirit world experiments. He is superior in intellect to most, he is a strong strategist, and he has motives that are not entirely purely scientific. His motives differ from Dr. Briar's in that sense. He's RICH… but so rich that making more money has no appeal to him. He'd be just as likely to drop a billion on a failing business just for the fun of turning it around as he would to just watch the money burn and spin that business wildly out of control. He's bored… he likes the power of anonymity. He made Dr. Briar think that Dr. Briar sought out his help; when in fact, he orchestrated the whole thing.

Who is this Antagonist? Does he have a name? Will we ever know it? How much mystery is good, vs how much do we need to build flesh and blood into this guy and make him more real, menacing? Then again, the unknown has it's own fear built in. 

He motivated by money, in the sense that once should have gain, value, profit of some kind of out one's expenditure of energy. That value added need not be monetary though. Power. Control. Can the other dimensions, what some call the spirit world, be accessed? Can they be manipulated? Can they be controlled? These are the real power, the real questions.


"Yes, Dr. Briar I am! That is why you brought me here. To fix this reject project and bring something valuable out of it. Keep me appraised of any changes."

The black suited man turned and left the room. His tuft of white hair bouncing along as he walked away.

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Character Sketch: Dr Richard T. Briar

Author of:  “Unlocking the Paranormal Mind. A study of how the human mind’s unlocked potential”, By Dr Richard T. Briar.

Richard Briar was a scientist, who specialized in the paranormal. His birth name was Niklaus von Klaus

He was named after the patron saint of Switzerland. Niklaus von Flue, also known as Brother Klaus, who died in 1487. Brother Klaus was known as a spiritual advisor and pastor to both rural and rich; however, was also known for heretical practices of mysticism.

Dr. Briar's mother was a mystic from Switzerland, and his father was a German scientist during WWI. Dr Niklaus von Klaus was a German Nazi scientist during WWII, who fled to Switzerland, and then to the UK, after changing his name and accent. He now operated under the alias of Dr. Richard Briar, tenured professor (retired) of Cambridge University, and founder of the Briar Psychiatric Center, Colorado Springs, CO. , dedicated to studying the farthest reaches and capabilities of the human mind.

There were exactly zero people alive who knew Dr. Briar's original identity, or the extent of his true plans.

It would be interesting to see just how far this rabbit hole would go…. What secrets the unlocking the human mind would reveal. It was necessary to operate on the fringe of the law, after all, we all know how bureaucracies hold back the spirit of innovation!


Niklaus von Flue, Nicholas of Flühe or brother Klaus (* 1417 ; † 21 March 1487 in Flüeli at Sachseln in the canton of Obwalden ) was a Swiss hermit , ascetic and mystic . He is the patron saint of Switzerland.

On March 21, 1487 Brother Klaus died after a hard agony on the floor of his cell.

Niklaus von Flue gained widely reputation as pastor and spiritual advisor, not only for the rural population, but also as a guide for foreign heads of state in Europe in the 15th century. So says a special envoy of the Duchy of Milan, in a letter to Ludovico Sforza of visits to the hermit, where he discussed political issues, and the Duke thanked in the response for its gracious greetings. [3]
Nicholas of Flue was also interested in a mystic in worldly things. He watched the political events and was asked for advice on such matters.

The origins of Nazism and its relation to the occult have been a part of popular culture since at least 1959. There are documentaries and books on the topic, including The Morning of the Magicians (1960) and The Spear of Destiny (1972). Historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke analyzed the topic in The Occult Roots of Nazism in which he argued there were links between some ideals of Ariosophy and Nazi ideology. He also analyzed the problems of the numerous popular "occult historiography" books written on the topic. He sought to separate empiricism and sociology from the "Modern Mythology of Nazi Occultism" that exist in many books which "have represented the Nazi phenomenon as the product of arcane and demonic influence". He considered most of these to be "sensational and under-researched".[1]

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There was a race of beings that were inhabited by another creature. They were a semi symbiotic species. You could tell when one was speaking and when the other was. Also, there was an imitator species that would trick the people into allowing it in.
The leach promised great power but only brought a slow decay. It was a slow decay of mind as well as body. The people didn’t see it for what it was so the leach inhabited just about everybody. Only those who underwent a special and sometimes painful process could be free of the leach. The process was easy and quick, but not without Sp struggle.
Our hero finds himself in the middle of this struggle. (Is he from this planet or a visitor from outside?)
Does he travel in space? Is he a pilot? Is he lost? Does he have another gateway? Is he Mark?
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Ash White Room

Bright blinding white permeated the room. A white cardboard box sat on a thin enameled snow white plastic table in a room covered in white painted steel walls. Only the black table legs gave any accent to the hyper real characteristics of this LED lit room. How he got here and why he didn’t know. Looking down he noticed the white form fitting uniform he was wearing. His deep tan the only other contrast in this other clinically pure room. A soft hiss was coming from the ceiling, but he couldn’t look up because the ceiling was lit from end to end to end with LED’s, turned on high, air conditioner maybe. He could barely see around him without squinting. Disorientation started to settle down after the first few moments awake and he found his bearings. Training kicked in. His thoughts moved to business, take stock. “Name/Rank: Captain Therun Ashmun.”, he said out loud, more to himself than anyone else. No response. Taking inventory of his body, every part was accounted for, legs, arms, toes, fingers, the scar on his neck under his right ear. No pains, other than the usual. He sat down on his knees monk style and closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Capt Therun “Ash” Ashmun tried to recall his last memory before finding himself in this room void of any obvious doors, windows, or openings of any kind, not even a seem was apparent as he circled the room with his eyes. The thoughts came like rapid fire. He didn’t bother feeling about because he was obviously handled before arriving here and obviously must be under surveillance this very moment. No way to defend against attack without knowing where the openings are, but there would be no use because if he were going to be killed he would be in some danky prison cell not this white washed room in some overly tailored biking suit. Still, better to be defensive and keep himself against a wall ready to react. “Bring it in Ash, bring yourself together… all this white is a bit disorienting. What was the last thing you recall?” He had been on Sriklan Island a survival training facility. He had just dropped in from 15,000 feet in air-camo nearly a new suit-shoot being developed, nearly invisible from the ground and air. He landed without a hitch, taking out three guards, high tech motion sensored mannequins, from the air. Working through the forest to the hacienda he had retaken the residence and recovered the “stolen” technology and send it back up on a UAV that had landed after he signaled. Routine training mission. Next time they’d use people and fake bullets but this time real bullets and fake people provided real time use of the weapon. The fake bullets never quite felt right. One man recovery missions were a great way to have peace. He swam off island to a nearby island and was waiting for his evac. He was perched in a tall tree, hidden by branches on the tallest point of the island. There was a flash of light around him and He… that’s it, there was no other memory. He woke up here. The box on the table was the only thing in the room with him, besides the table itself, which seems to be built into the floor. He approached the table cautiously. Eyes had adjusted some to the light, but there was still not much to see. The legs and table appeared to be built of high strength alloy. No hopes of breaking it. He pushed at the box, but it too appeared to be a part of the table. It didn’t budge. Other than being attached it seemed like any other white shipping box, sealed in white duct tape end to end. The table was cool to the touch, not cold, but cool, like everything else in this room, floor, walls, etc. Ash pealed at the tape slowly, ready to react to it’s contents. This box was obviously here for him, it was the only thing in the room, and no-one had reacted to his being awake. Laying the tape aside he opened the lid and found a pair of ear buds and an iPhone, each neatly wrapped in their own plastic bag. He opened the first bag and turned on the phone. It booted silently…
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Ash and Eta | Tazed, Sedated, Captured

The compound didn't seem to heavily gaurded, he knew that missing personell would just trigger the alarm. He snuck in through a side window after the gaurds had passed. He could see men in lab coats running tests and reading outputs. There was the slight scent of rubbing alcohol, lemon scented. He opened the door of an unused room, and got out of the hallway, out of sight. Eta followed closely behind a few moments later. Moving their way across the room to another doorway on the opposite side of the large room, a slight opening allowed enough siteline to assess the situation on the other side. They would need to be quick. Ash and Eta moved silently and swiftly down the hall toward the office towers. They were dark, so odds were that they were under light gaurd and they could be in and out without being seen.

The elevator would be easier, but that would alert someone to it's use. The stairs would be longer, but they would have a great chance of assessing their being spotted. Hopefully the camera's were already looped, they'd have to rely on Chester to complete his part of the mission. They didn't want to risk breaking radio silence to confirm. If he saw them heading into a trap, he'd break silence to alert them.

As they entered the main floor of the office suite they checked infrared and found no dedection of motion dedectors in the immediate area. The main CEO would never have the computer files they were looking for, he would not want to be implicated. Chester advised heading for the admins computer, it's likely the CEO would want them within reach, but not directly implicated to him.

They inserted the thumb drive provided by Chester, and turned on the unit. It whired to life, and started booting. Chesters program hacked in through the boot drive into the main file system and onto the servers. Once uploaded they could leave, because the program would begin uploading all the sensetive data to multiple safe servers around the country, and back up servers behind those. These people may or may not be suffisticated enough to track all that down, but not until Chester had a way to recover the files from one of the back up points, without leaving a trace behind.

The upload of the info-virus was complete. Eta and Ash turned off the monitor but left the computer running. Chester had advised that the terminal would benefit from the access point being left open for a limited time, and would auto shut down the computer before anyone came in for the day.

Ash took the thumb drive and steped on it to crack the case open. He took a screw driver and puctured the memory chip with a hard punch, then repeated this a few times. He then handed it to Eta who placed it onto a supermagnet she was carrying in her pocket. This should sufficiently erase the data. And if by some miracle they are able to recover the data enough to understand the encryption and the virus, it will be long after Chester has recovered what he needed from the server network he used to store the mined data.

Making their way back down the steps, footseps and chatter below gave them pause. Ten levels down. The gaurds were making their rounds, chatting about the latest football game. They looked up, and didn't see anyone that direction. It would be a tight race, but the it was the plan B they had discussed. They kept the foot falls as silent as possible as they made their way back up the stairs, trying to keep an ear on the gaurds below, and not alert them to their presence.

A few floors up, and they heard the sound of radio chatter. They stopped to listen. The gaurd room couldn't see the gaurds in the stair well. The loop had been discovered, they were comprimised, but no-one knew they were here, they heard the gaurds coming up the stairs faster now. The kept to the walls and made their way quickly. If they stepped light enough the gaurds wouldn't hear them over their insesant chatter and yelling "Clear".

Ash and Eta were so focused on the gaurds below, that they failed to watch the doorways as they passed them. The door opened just as they passed it, and lights flashed from the rifle.

Or was that a rifel?

It was a bright blue light... not the yellow red muzzle flash it should have been.

Ash knew it as he was going down...

...he'd been tazed.

He'd known that feeling from years of training. They used to taz each other just for fun, and built up a tolerance to it. In a one on one fight, Ash could have come back fighting, but a then second taz hit him. The gaurds from below had caught up.

Three, no four men were on him, holding him down. The needle in the arm would mean powerful sleep. These were professionals. Now he knew what it felt like to be the victim of a smash and grab. Such a rookie mistake too, letting his gaurd down. They should have come in slower, or divided their attention.

More surveliance.

More reconniseance.

As he felt himself going under the power of sedation, he forced his eyes slightly open, he could see a figure coming toward him dressed in black. He closed his eyes, but he heard a sigh. It sounded like dissapointment.

Was that himself sighing?

Darkness came over him...

... The room always started out so bright. The white room. White walls, cold metal, hissing from overhead... the familiar dream, the dream he'd had every night for five years now... The dark room would be next. He hated the dark room. But the white room wasn't so bad, except for that insesant hissing.


Eta ran for all her legs would carry her, three gaurds were behind her. She was loosing them faster, she could outrun these mall cops anyday. Up ahead she saw the door open, and one came toward her.

Running time was over for the moment. She'd have to stand her ground against this one, and the three behind. She saw the tazer flash, she side swiped and it made no contact. She used the momentum to grab the wand and pull it toward her, while she pulled in the knee to his inner thigh. Whipping around she tossed him like a rag doll at the other three coming up the stairs.

For split fractions of a second time slowed down. Should she stand against these four or had she thrown them off enough to regain her lead? Nope. One had gotten passed the others without loosing momentum.

He came at her with the tazer too. What is it with these guys and tazers? She allowed the wires to fly passed as she used the stairwell handle for grip and plucked herself up into the air, and landed a kick right to the face. He hurled back into the other three who were just getting untangled. That was the break in momentum she needed.

Eta flew up the stairs faster now, highest speed. She couldn't worry about Ash right now. He could handle himself. If he'd been caught, she couldn't help him if she were caught too. Up the stairs, out to the access door to the roof. She pulled her side arm and fired three rounds into the padlock and landed a good jump kick into the door, which flew open before her. She didn't have enough height to land a parachute jump safely, so in a dicey decision, she pulled the rip cord and threw the bag over the edge. It carried enough weight with her extra gear that the parachute should release and catch the wind. They would hunt the fake her down. The parachute landed just over the edge of the coumpound in the distance.

Meanwhile, she found found an access panel, and hid inside the ducting. She waited for a half hour to ensure that they were all on the hunt for her elsewhere, and then Eta slowly exited the access panel. Eta worked her way down the fire escape on the dark side of the building. She could see they'd taken the ruse. Whole rounds of gaurds with flash lights were working their way through the field, other in vehicles were driving the field looking for farther signs of escape. There were even two helicopters searching the fields further out.

Eta noticed that two of the gaurds on break had left their flack jackets hanging no the stairwell when they ran out to joint the chase. Fortutise! She doned the jack that matched the other gaurds, the pants were so similar they'd never been inspected close up. She took the tie back from her hair, and let it down with a shake. She walked in a hurried manner, but purposed to look like someone on a mission for the general (not someone running for her life) toward the gate.

She slipped out the back gate right toward all the fuss, and took a hummer with her, why did they always leave the keys in these things? She picked up a soldier along the way, and order him to watch from the passenger side and she looked out from the drivers side. They whirred along, he tried to talk once, and she reprimanded him for not paying attention. "We have a fugutive on the loose and you want to make small talk soldier?" "No Ma'am!", came his reply. He didn't so much as look her direction for the rest of the journey. She stopped along the road and told him she thought she saw something and told him to head over the hill and look, if he spotted anything to call it in. Meanwhile, she'd check the other side of the road. She was so bossy and official that he never second guessed her and went running up and over the hill. She took off down the road and toward the town.

Eta pulled in behind a truck stop, lost the flack jacket and ripped off the bottom of ther cargo pants, and twisted the belly of her shirt into a knott. Nothing would attract attention away from her face faster than this get up. She headed through the area toward the sleepers. Found an older Ford Escort parked on the darker side of the building, late 1990's. She pulled her tools and had it hot wired. In two minutes she was driving up the on ramp toward the I-10. She need to break radio silence, but not yet, not until she was sufficiently out of range.

*************Darrell G. Wolfe
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Research: Erase Hard Drive/ Thumb Drive

2: Degaussing

Hard drives are nothing more than bottles of data held in place by magnetic glue. By removing the magnetic glue, you can create a breakdown of the underlying bits and bytes and scramble them in a way that's pretty tough to recover from. If the degaussing device used is good enough, you'll destroy all of the bits and bytes at the user level as well as the low-level formatting that makes it function as a drive. (If you're serious about data security, you'll use a powerful degausser.)
Although degaussing might be looked at as a way of simply erasing a drive, it's actually a destructive mechanism, though it's not nearly as fun to watch as a shredder.
Powerful degaussers will also render inoperable a drives servo motors and will damage the spindle motor of the drive. It truly is a paperweight when you're done.
A really good degausser is expensive, but it doesn't cost as much as a really good shredder, and it might be enough for your needs. Also, it's a fast process. Take a look at this YouTube video of a hard drive degausser in action.

Wiki: Degaussing


Magnetic data storage media[edit]

Data is stored in the magnetic media, such as hard drives, floppy disks, and magnetic tape, by making very small areas called magnetic domains change their magnetic alignment to be in the direction of an applied magnetic field. This phenomenon occurs in much the same way a compass needle points in the direction of the Earth's magnetic field. Degaussing, commonly called erasure, leaves the domains in random patterns with no preference to orientation, thereby rendering previous data unrecoverable. There are some domains whose magnetic alignment is not randomized after degaussing. The information these domains represent is commonly called magnetic remanence or remanent magnetization. Proper degaussing will ensure there is insufficient magnetic remanence to reconstruct the data.[2]
Erasure via degaussing may be accomplished in two ways: in AC erasure, the medium is degaussed by applying an alternating field that is reduced in amplitude over time from an initial high value (i.e., AC powered); in DC erasure, the medium is saturated by applying a unidirectional field (i.e., DC powered or by employing a permanent magnet). A degausser is a device that can generate a magnetic field for degaussing magnetic storage media.[3]

Irreversible damage to some media types[edit]

Many forms of generic magnetic storage media can be reused after degaussing, including audio reel-to-reel tape, VHS videocassettes, and floppy disks. These older media types are simply a raw medium which are overwritten with fresh new patterns, created by fixed-alignment read/write heads.
For certain forms of computer data storage, however, such as modern hard drives and some tape backup drives, degaussing renders the magnetic media completely unusable and damages the storage system. This is due to the devices having an infinitely variable read/write head positioning mechanism which relies on special servo control data (e.g. Gray Code) that is meant to be permanently embedded into the magnetic media. This servo data is written onto the media a single time at the factory using special-purpose servo writing hardware.
The servo patterns are normally never overwritten by the device for any reason and are used to precisely position the read/write heads over data tracks on the media, to compensate for sudden jarring device movements, thermal expansion, or changes in orientation. Degaussing indiscriminately removes not only the stored data but also the servo control data, and without the servo data the device is no longer able to determine where data is to be read or written on the magnetic medium. The medium must be low-level formatted to become usable again; with modern hard drives, this is generally not possible without manufacturer-specific and often model-specific service equipment.

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Akeem | Hitchhiker, but not

When I passed the car, and then a block down the freeway I see a man in a grey suit pants and brown suit jacket with a brief case walking on the freeway. I heard inside of me, “pick him up”. I obeyed immediately. I moved stuff aside and opened my door and leaned out and motioned my thumb to him “international hitch hiking symbol”.

Picked up Akeem on the side of the road. He’s from NJ. He stated his gas ran out, he thinks, and that was his car I passed. He was afraid to attempt to hold out his thumb to hitch hike because he wasn’t sure if it was illegal to do so in Texas. He’s working for ADT now, lots of OT because he’s running low on money. That’s why he’s out of gas. He’s running late to work, and my picking him up is really helping him get there faster, maybe an hour or more faster than walking. He’s very grateful, it was cold out there and his jacket is light.

I asked if he had people at work that could help him back to deal with the car after work. He said he did. That part would be covered.

I drove him to work nearby and still ended up at work just a few moments late. I felt/heard God say “thank you, he’s one of mine”. I said “You’re welcome”. I felt bad that I didn’t just get gas for his car. God said “I have people for that. You are one cog in that wheel. You did good son.”

God said: “If you keep opening your heart to me, and spending time practicing to hear my voice, and open your heart to worship, you’ll notice more and more of these unique moments in life.

It’s important to know about Favor, believe in Favor, be ready and willing to declare Favor over your life. BUT… Favor is not a magic spell. It’s not something you can declare every morning, without being in relationship with Me, and expect it to work the Favor Magic in your life. Favor is a byproduct of relationship with me. If you are deepening your relationship with me, Favor will come. Listen to Me. Hear Me. Obey what you hear. Favor is just as likely to use you to bless someone as it is to use someone to bless you.”

Inside of me I saw/heard an inner me jump up and down and say “Whooooo Hoooo!”

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